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My Normal Day...

So I thought I'd tell you what a typical day for me looks like.

I get up at 7AM to the Wake-Up call, "Herro. Good Morning. This is your wrake-up call" recorded by a very sweet Chinese woman. I've heard it for a week solid so far and it cracks me up every day.

Now before most of you fall over in shock, yes 7AM is quite early for me. However, my body is still not turned around so I usually end up waking up at 4AM, say something rude to the clock, fall asleep again to wake up at 6. By the time the phone rings at 7, the daily giggle from the wake-up call is necessary to keep me in good spirits. :)

After checking the internet for the news from the past (it's cool and frustrating living in the future by 15 hours), I head down for breakfast served by the hotel. Like I mentioned earlier, the hotel is very Western, so they have normal foods like waffles, bacon, and scrambled eggs. Plus, they throw in a few Chinese items for fun like steamed dumplings and a few noodle dishes. The Chinese version of French Toast is very tasty.

On another floor, the hotel has a Cantonese Restaraunt. There are signs everywhere of some of their dishes and the sight of a fish split open with head, tail, and scales still intact on a bed of rice is not really something I feel my adventure is lacking.

My driver shows up at 8:30 to take me to the factory for the work day. It's a 40 minute drive and since my diver doesn't speak English, I use the time to catch up on my reading. I've become quite envious of people who have drivers now. Imagine how much more you could get done if you removed all the time in the day you spent driving. I'm convinced it's making me dumber. Of course, Christina Aguilera on the radio probably doesn't help things.

I won't bore you with work details. Making TVs is like making sausage. You really like the end product, but you really don't want to know how it's made. But the hours in the factory are quite long. I usually end up going home around 7:30 or 8 every night, but they do feed me lunch and dinner.

Lunch and Dinner is always fantastic. It's like the Chinese Take-out you're used to (or Take-In in this case), but better. Much, much better. I usually have beef or chicken over rice, but today they spiced it up with some Beef Lo Mein. Tasty!

Everyone here eats at the same time. I'm not sure if the company provides them meals or how that all works, but food gets delivered to everyone from the same place. And then, after lunch, everyone takes a nap. I'm serious....everyone. They even have a bell system in place to wake them up after 30-45 minutes (but sadly, no taped Chinese woman. Just a bell). In fact, I'm writing this now and there's three people in the same room with me all asleep on their desks. Personally, I think American companies should inherit this custom.

I make it home around 8:30 and try to learn more about this Blogging thing. Last night I just added a new calendar. :)