My chopstick skills suck.
I remember the first time I had sushi, I was trying to grab a Spider Roll (mmmmmmm....Spider Roll) off the plate and it was proving to be quite a test of my manhood. My friend's wife, who's with Boulder PD and just happened to walk in at this exact time, was standing over my shoulder and I believe her exact words were, "Dear Lord, he's butchering it."
Needless to say, a trip to Asia with my chopstick skills lacking was on the front of my mind. But with the company serving me lunches and dinners everyday, it's either chopsticks or my hands.
One interesting thing I've discovered is that there are two different types of chopsticks here - wood and plastic (you smarter types probably knew that already). The Take-Out (In) lunches have wooden chopsticks and I'm proud to say I've worked my way up to Junior level on those. The fancy restaurants have plastic 'stix and I swear are about two times longer. Those aberrations are still a considerable challenge and the bane of my eating enjoyment.
There's not enough time left for me to really master the skill, so it's something I'll have to work on when I order sushi back home. :)
I remember the first time I had sushi, I was trying to grab a Spider Roll (mmmmmmm....Spider Roll) off the plate and it was proving to be quite a test of my manhood. My friend's wife, who's with Boulder PD and just happened to walk in at this exact time, was standing over my shoulder and I believe her exact words were, "Dear Lord, he's butchering it."
Needless to say, a trip to Asia with my chopstick skills lacking was on the front of my mind. But with the company serving me lunches and dinners everyday, it's either chopsticks or my hands.
One interesting thing I've discovered is that there are two different types of chopsticks here - wood and plastic (you smarter types probably knew that already). The Take-Out (In) lunches have wooden chopsticks and I'm proud to say I've worked my way up to Junior level on those. The fancy restaurants have plastic 'stix and I swear are about two times longer. Those aberrations are still a considerable challenge and the bane of my eating enjoyment.
There's not enough time left for me to really master the skill, so it's something I'll have to work on when I order sushi back home. :)
Here's your comment test. By the way, while you're out there pick me up a cool hat :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:12 PM
I can't believe you're eating sushi! Where did I go wrong???
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:17 PM
johnny mathews!
i found you through the strange community that is the world wide web (statcounter is a cool thing) and enjoyed catching up on your Taiwan adventures. thanks for the sidebar love!
asia's not half bad, eh? don't worry about the chopsticks thing, it really does come naturally over time. Of course, then you have to learn chopstick etiquitte (never cross chopsticks, hold them near the top & the proper way to use chopsticks and a spoon), but that's for a longer stay.
hope you enjoy your time, we've got some friends in Taiwan we would love you to say hi too, but they don't speak english so we'll wait until you learn Chinese (or Akha).
later bro
Posted by
Unknown |
2:15 AM