Taipei 101

The rest of the building is a large mall - about 5 or 6 stories of mall. In America, it's a known rule that all malls are built for women. I now know this is an International rule as well. This mall had the exact same shops that are in America and probably the entire world. I saw Gucci, and Tommy Hilfinger, and Prada, and every other store you'd expect in an upscale part of town. I even introduced Haagen-Das to my tour guides. They ate it, but said it was too sweet, hehe.
I was actually a bit disappointed as Taipei doesn't have much culture. The city is very nice and clean, but looks just like every other big city. Greanted, I was only in the commercial district, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Sunny was pretty shy during the whole museum trip, but after awhile she wanted to take a picture with me. Notice the obligatory Hello Kitty raincoat.

New York New York was another shopping center. Mostly clothes, but they also had a Toys R' Us as well. Not too far away, there was a Starbucks, heheh.