Taipei Palace Museum

Jade was a big deal for Chinese artisans, so there were a ton of cool things crafted out of Jade. The big ticket item was the Jade Cabbage. I couldn't get a pic of it, but I found one online here.
The museum also had a large collection of books. Did you know the Chinese had wooden moveable-type printing presses about 1000 years before the printing press was invented in Europe?
One funny story... There were quite a lot of people at the museum, mostly students, but lots of others as well. At one point, Daniel said to me, "There's a lot of Japanese here." I looked around and thought he was talking about the students, so I asked him if they were who he was talking about. He said no, then, "Your eyes cannot tell the difference?" I laughed and said shook my head. In America, that probably would have started some sort of race riot, but here it's just inquisitive knowledge.